1.  Complete this form.
2.  Total the cost and add $1.50 plus $0.25 per additional item for S/H.  (if you order a lanyard add $3.50 S/H)
3.  Fill in the totals below, total and then print.
4.  Enclose check or money order along with order form and mail to: 
Call Coozy 
59 North Broad St 
Lexington Tn, 38351

Small Camo Coozy $4.49
Large Camo Coozy $4.49
Small Black Coozy $3.99
Large Black Coozy $3.99
Call Coozy Decal $1.49 (White)
Call Coozy Decal $1.49 (Black)
Reg. Lanyard $14.99
Pro Series Lanyard $24.99

Sub Total = Plus S/H = Total =

Type your name and address in the field below.


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